Satish like you've never seen him / paper neg tests
So I'm continuing to do paper negative tests in my 4x5...There are so many bizarre things here I'm not sure where to begin
- the developer was exhausted so it created these weird brown speckles on the negs, plus some cloudy film that I had to rub off; that's why there are all those white specks, which I cleaned up around the face except for the left eye on the interior (right side) shot which was beyond my PS skills
- what I first thought was a very dark skin tone in the interior shot compared to the exterior shot I now realize is the same skin tone; the impression is still there because of the background and something... but if you compare the tonal values they're basically the same: dark (I actually want this and expected this because orthochromatic)
- the interior shot is dark on the left side of the face which was the side I expected to be light with the beauty dish, with the right side brought up with a couple bursts of flash which turned out made the face on that side brighter than the beauty dish side (so much for my exposure value readings of the light -- I think because the beauty dish is tungsten, i.e., reddish light and it just didn't register on the paper)
- the exterior was made with multiple flashes only
- and, oh yeah, the most bizarre thing: young Denzel Washington / old coal miner