Author Topic: Meeting The Invisible Man  (Read 633 times)

Ed Wenn

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Meeting The Invisible Man
« on: February 02, 2016, 01:38:14 PM »
On Saturday, I managed to swing a brief trip to the Photographers' Gallery here in London and swept round the Saul Leiter exhibition (I had a 10 year old in tow and she was making it pretty plain that she was NOT impressed). The show itself is fine. Some great photos, some that didn't grab me at all. I really enjoyed the paintings though and so that was a pleasant surprise. I'm going to try and get back for another visit before the show closes. I suspect I'll enjoy it a lot more without the time pressures :-)

One of the other shows was by a Uruguayan photo journalist and I actually enjoyed this a lot more because of the way it was presented; lots of slide projectors throwing the images across the white walls in hap hazard fashion. The 10 year old also enjoyed it more  because she liked the projectors.

However, the real excitement came in the basement area as we were about to shuffle up the stairs to leave (it was CROWDED in there). I noticed a familiar face coming towards me out from the busy bookshop area and realised after a few seconds that it was none other than a Filmwasters photographer hero, Joel "the Invisible Man" Meyerowitz!! A much-mentioned and beloved character from back when we used to have time to do our audio podcasts. I grabbed my daughter and said something to her along the lines of, "You see that tall bald man coming towards us? He's a really famous photographer!" just as he drew level with us. I was going to say hi to him, but just as I'd got my act together I realised he was a posse with him and was already in conversation with some of them. So, a shame I didn't get to have a chat, but it was still a great footnote to an enjoyable (if slightly rushed) visit to the gallery.


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Re: Meeting The Invisible Man
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2016, 02:29:12 PM »
Well Ed, you lucky.
But I think I know why Amy wasn't impressed by the exhibition... She's much too impressed by her daddy's photographs ;) ;) (nudge nudge )

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Re: Meeting The Invisible Man
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2016, 02:47:30 PM »
Had a great chat with Joel M at Format in Derby a few years ago.  How were you able to spot him is what I can't understand.  I mean, it's not as if he has any distinguishing features  :o
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Re: Meeting The Invisible Man
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2016, 09:16:11 PM »
I'm a fan of the man myself, however I never know what to do in those situations it always seems a bit crass to launch into "I really like your pictures Mr Meyerowitz". This is worth watching if you haven't seen it.

! No longer available

However closing the loop I did walk around lower Manhattan for a week in 2013 sure at any moment I was going to bump into Saul Leiter. God knows what I would have said had I done so, but just to get a snap of the great man would have more than made my trip. He died 6 months after. I'm not someone who's generally effected by the death of people I don't know but in that instance I was really saddened.

I shall certainly be making my way to The Photographers Gallery at some point.

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