Hi all. Just a quick note to explain why the site has been bouncing around and giving varying levels of service since around December 22nd and to apologise for the outages.
It looks like we have a problem with the software we use for the Collaborations and Guest Galleries part of Filmwasters. The Guest Galleries implementation of the software (which is called "Gallery" FWIW), hasn't been impacted, but the Collabs implementation was generating loads of errors and starting tons of additional processes. This was potentially what was causing our issues before Christmas. I have no idea at all how come Filmwasters recovered for a few days between the 23rd-ish and the 28th, but it definitely did, right? Anyway, for the last few days it's been playing up again and finally Bluehost took the site offline this morning because the Collabs section was generating too many processes.
In order to get the rest of the site back online, I have disabled the Collabs section, but I'll have to tackle it at some point. It might just be a case of getting it back online and running some maintenance on it (clearing out temp files and fixing indexes etc.), but it might be more fundamental, espcially given that the software we're running is around 10 years old...although if that were the case, I'd expect the Guest Galleries section to be causing issues too.
I'm an IT geek, but I'm all about the Microsoft way of doing stuff and am totally out of my depth when it comes to Apache & PHP etc. I'm pretty sure some of you regulars will have some insights to offer & I'd appreciate any help on that score. It would be great if I could run a few things past you before deciding on the next steps.
(SIDE NOTE: I do not want this thread to degenerate into a Microsoft vs. Apache/PHP/Linux/Open Source or whatever debate, so let's keep a lid on all of that, please
For now at least, I hope that we're back online & that normal service has been resumed. Thanks for your patience and for your feedback when the site's been misbehaving.