My last serious developing error was to use my left hand to move some flasks of chemicals without telling my right hand what was going on. The result was to put the fixer into the tank before the pre-soak water.
That was interesting enough, but today, after filling the dev flask with developer and water, I then proceded to fill the fixer flask with developer as well. So, what's the routine ... presoak, dev, stop, fix, wash, or is it presoak, dev, stop, dev, wash? Fortunately I use a stop bath so the impact wasn't much worse than some extra staining of the negs.
Definitely not a rookie mistake. This is more like the old timer getting too casual, sort of mistake. A bit like the elderly forestry worker who jumped from one log to the next with his chainsaw still running, and then found himself rolling down the hill in a rather noisy fashion. Potentially a career breaker. (He survived, and I dare say I shall, too.
Shots from Photographica last Sunday. Praktica F.X2, Pentacon 30/3.5, Tri-X in DDX.