I recently discovered the Medium website and its Vantage photography page now that I'm back on facebook and I see stories people shared, like the one I posted here about how Vice magazine recently depicted Appalachia, lazily feeding the same old negative stereotypes. That got me to thinking... especially with all the stories in the news about Amnesty International's upcoming policy vote on decriminalization of sex work (in the news I follow, anyway
So I wrote a piece about my DR series with links to the photos, a more personal story which is Medium's style. You just self-publish your story and it sits out in the ether. I did that last night and this morning I had an email from the editor of the Vantage photography page who also runs the Photography Prison tumblr that I follow and like a lot. He wanted to feature it on Vantage. So here it is.
https://medium.com/vantage(BTW, clicking on the photos gets rid of that irritating menu bar at the bottom)
There's some interesting stories there on photography.