It's a funny thing fear, isn't it?
Maybe a lot of us don't realize that the best scanners out there to this moment (drum scanners) use liquid mounting. You always hear "drum scanner this, drum that" as the highest possible resolution scan on the interwebs. So how is it that you fear the liquid at home and let the professionals do it without even a blink? I have not done any myself, but I have researched extensively. What I found had me stick to my current dry mount process.
1. too much hassle to do
2. way too expensive to do properly compared to dry
3. benefits not necessarily outweigh the requirements
I'll expand on what I know about the benefits. Some claims have been made that liquid removes any imperfections in film (dust and scratches), increases resolution of scans. None of which have been 100% proven as different proofs exist on the net.
I find I can easily get rid of the dust problem using a steamy bathroom to load my glass holders (4 different surfaces for dust to settle on without counting film itself), and I barely get any dust.
Resolution is not everything when it comes to scans, you downsample it anyway for your web view.