Got all the stuff today, eagerly mixed them up and warmed to a toasty 27degc, then dunked a roll of Retro 400s I found hiding at the back of the fridge
Retro400s_Monobath-006 by
Kayos Photos, on Flickr
Retro400s_Monobath-010 by
Kayos Photos, on Flickr
Retro400s_Monobath-002 by
Kayos Photos, on Flickr
Results are better than I expected, the lines are due to poor fixing, so either more time in the mix or a bit tweaking of the mix, I would also advise anyone trying this that a bit of initial agitation may be the way to go, I didn't and had a black line along the top edge of the film, but there was more than enough to cover it. I also didn't pre-wash, but I will try that next time as I generally do as a rule
I may throw this first lot away and mix more, with a syringe for the HC-110, syrup is an understatement! I will be trying with some TRI-X next time, hopefully in the near future
As a side note, there is only 3 shots from this roll as it was from testing a camera, I thought id ruined the whole roll hence it being left in the fridge undeveloped