Double your pleasure, double your fun, with Doublered, Doublered, Doublered gum!
Ok, bad portmanteau there, but they were both made by Wrigley's, right?
So for these, I started out with 02Pilot's general "sunny 2.8" rule, and then added a whole bunch of my own "random exposure" craziness, which along with the double exposures probably cut right through that redscale well and gave truer colors. I also have recently decided to go back to allowing my Epson V500 to do the color correction, because I found it saves me a lot of Lightroom processing and actually looks more natural than manually color correcting in Lightroom. The Epson does add a bit too much sharpening and contrast for my taste, but I can't seem to separate the color correction from the whole suite of "image correction". Whatever, it saves time
Fuji Superia 400, long expired, redscaled, shot in a Graflex Ciro.
Yes, this really is a double! I set the camera on a ledge, then took one shot focused close, and one shot focused at infinity. I was thinking that it might give me an "everything in focus" effect, even at f/3.5, but instead it gave me an "everything out of focus". Even better!
I call this one "The Lady and Her Lion"
I just doubled the number of Oscars you won, Beija Flor. You're welcome.