Nice results, I'm truly impressed that you got these results pushing in Rodinal. But 2 hours dev time? You have true patience my friend an all credit to you. I find 15:30 using Xtol a long enough wait never mind 2 hours.
Oh yes, beautiful I've experimented with pushing Tri-X to 3200 in Rodinal, with pretty poor results I find I get better results pushing Tri-X to about 1600... But here are examples.Tri-X @1600/Rodinal 1:100 1hrDon DiLego by Indofunk Satish, on FlickrTri-X @3200 Rodinal 1:100 6hrsSpeak Onion at the Silent Barn by Indofunk Satish, on Flickr
The longest part of the development of film is getting of one's rear end and getting to it. 2 hours dev time is a mere iota compared.
And still, tri-x never ceases to amaze me. It always delivers good results.
some nice results, antonio!here's a tri-x at 1600 in rodinal 1+50 from me:a friend came to visit by jojonas~, on Flickr