A momentous occasion took place in London today. "What" ... I hear you cry - "The Wimbledon Final?", no ... "the first time the Tour De France has hurtled through London and Kent?" .... nope, guess again
Today was the Filmwasters 2-yearly partial reunion. Mark Skorji, Damion Rice and Leon Taylor met by the Photographers Gallery near Leicester Square, grabbed some lunch and coffee in a nearby cafe, got talking so much that they totally forgot to actually go inside the gallery. They then invaded Ed Wenn's house (much to the dismay of his wife, little daughter and several days old Son). We drank Battersea Brewery beer and wasted tons of polaroid film - lots more of that to come, but for now, here's a shot of (L to R) Damion, Leon and Ed taken by Skorj (I should have said I'm the one with the hair).
Unfortunately, there was a Burnstine shaped hole throughout the day - hope you can make it next time Susan.
Thanks to Jacqui, Amy and Joe for letting us invade your home for the afternoon - and Ed and Jacqui - congrats on the birth of little Joe (I keep wanting to call him Ben Wenn - that would have been excellent).