After reading a lot about motion picture film here, i decided to give it a try. The biggest problem seems to be the complete remjet removal without damaging the emulsion side.
i did a litte research and found (on a german website – an easy and safe way to remove the remjet.
I tried it today with an unexposed Kodak Vision 2 (5218) film.
You have to do it before you start the development and it only takes about 2min.
How to:- Dissolve 100g sodium carbonate (calc.) in 1l water (35°C) (You can use it several times)
- Put the film in the tank
- Fill the liquid into the tank.
- Turn the tank once or twice.
- Empty the tank immediately .
- Fill water (35°C) in the tank. Shake the tank for 30 sec. permanently.
- Repeat once or twice.
with remjet (below) and without
Emulsion side (without any particles)
that's it. Now you can start with the development process.
Hope this helps.....