What makes me a bit worried is that I know or use/have used most of the stuff listed there and I'm not that old... not even a gray hair
1- I have sheet film holders
2- I have a bulk loader that I bought for the film inside it
3- I have used a changing bag until it disintegrated
4- I have a few dodgers on a hook
5- I have too many cable releases to count (probably around three)
6- I have used flashbulbs when I was a kid on my Polaroid
7- I still have my catadioptric lens
8- This is the classic Nikon groundglass... I much prefered the one with the 45° prism
9- I actually wanted the bigger one that you could split in two for transport
10- First time I saw this in a Nikon handbook, I thought it was totally fantastic with a motor drive!
11- Polaroid stabilizer... these smelled pretty funky. I think I still have some lying somewhere
12- I wanted one of these sooo bad when I was a kid!
13- I still have a few cameras for this, and a roll from when I was a kid that I never got processed since I had a camera malfunction
14- I have an older model projector with the additional stack loader!
15- I also had a big table that came from a factory
16- I have a nice collection of lupes that are way better than this one
17- I now rarely use them, I simply try to be careful...
Now, I wonder what that says about me???