I've taken to shooting HP5+ at 1600 in these dim winter evenings, which I've not done seriously before (just once or twice) but I am quite happy with the results I have so far developing in LC29 1+19 for 14 minutes, fairly conventionally i.e. 30s agitation at the start then four inversions every minute after hat. There are two things which bother me though: (a) it is of course very grainy in the shadows, and there are lots of shadows given that the dynamic range is compressed, and (b) it will use up my developer pretty quickly if I mix new each time, and I understand re-using dev for pushing isn't a great idea.
So I was thinking of trying semi or full stand development. I've done this with LC29 at 1+100 for an hour before, agitating at the start and at 30 mins, and the results were pretty nice. But I don't know what to do with pushed film. I assume some change would be required... Longer? A higher concentration? Both? And would it be better to let it stand or agitate every now and then? Google is not helping me a lot here; the best recommendation I've seen is somebody who shot T-Max at 1600 and then semi-stood it for two hours in Rodinal 1+100, agitating at start, 30m and 60m.
I could buy some Rodinal I suppose but I have a lot of LC29 left at the moment.