I've brought my recently purchased Harman Titan 5x4 to Hong Kong on a recent trip, and had loads of fun using it.
I was absolutely stunned by the image quality by this primitive camera, and it's simple and easy to use.
One thing I've to say though, is I find the lenscap a little bit tricky to take off without moving the camera too much. Making it a bit difficult to take pictures with shorter exposure time.
I once tried twisting the lenscap while taking it off in attempt to keeping it more stable. But clumsily I took the whole pinhole plate off and of course ruining the shot
.... Any tips from you guys would be appreciated.
I've attached a few shots here taken during the trip. Comments and criticism are welcomed.
Film used are Ektar, FP4+, and Pro160NS. Exposure times are around 12mins for the 1st one, 8sec for the 2nd, and about 20mins for the last one.