I can get the gist, but so wish I could hear a translation of all the details, it was just so interesting!
Right- my Danish is pretty poor (even though I lived there for 4 years
) but here's some of the info i can understand (maybe the scandiwegian FWs can help?):
The dude
- He's 66
- He's been doing this since he was 12. He was apprenticed to his uncle
- He built the camere 40 years ago
- On a good day he'd make £60-150 in the past, now not so much cos the cheapo labs and digital are putting the squeeze on. Endearingly he sez that he used to have a 'HiFi' lifestyle, but not any more
- He typically does a 10 hour day
- He's called Safdar Hussain. He's got an assistant called Farouk
- He lives in a tiny apartment with his wife in the colonial part of old Dhakka. He's got 6 kids and 6 siblings
The method:
- he takes a negative image on paper. exposure in bright sun is about a second. Because it's quite dark during film he's giving it 10
- he develops this in camera
- he uses red paint to lighten areas around the eyes, smooth out wrinkles etc. The paper is less sensitive to the red so the areas with the red wash come out lighter
- Ditto but vice-versa with green paint (not in the voiceover but you can see the big pot of green paint in the tin with the red)
- He rephotographs this negative to give a positive on the same paper
Nice retouch skills. There used to be a something similar here in the past.
Oooh- that's a notch up in sophistication- this one has an enlarger built in. Thanks for the vid to you too!
one day I want to make a camera like this. It would be such a fun party trick (yeah, the parties I attend are