Hi all. Just wanted to share this with you all. This week I've been working on modifying old cheap Instamatic cameras. It started off with the simple desire to modify them to take 35mm film and it's grown quickly into some Frankenstein creations that I think are pretty cool. The first modification was to a Kodak Hawkeye Instamatic from the mid to late 1960's. Sample images aren't up yet but here is a
link to my description of that modification. The second modification was to a 1980's Sears Easi-Load 126-X Instamatic and this time I mated an Argus Sandmar wide angle 35mm f4.5 lens with focusing ability and variable f-stops to the camera. Here is the
link to that description and some small sample images. Excuse the small images. Since I still don't have my scanner up (I know I know....) I had to photograph the negatives on my light table to get them into Photoshop.
If you guys have any ideas for other mods I could experiment with do share! I've got a couple more things up my sleeve but I'll have to wait till all the pieces parts arrive