I remember my first roll pretty well as it was only just under a year ago in July 2010. I did it with old chemicals from my uncle and it came out ENTIRELY blank.
but a few days later I had bought a yashica TL-super slr from a 'retro' shop in town, I would call it a junk shop but the prices were far too high for junk, £30 it cost (on a side note I recently purchased a Yashica mg-1 from the same shop for around the same price).
anyway I couldnt wait to start shooting it, so I rummaged in my bag for a roll of film and to my suprise and excitement I found a roll of Fp4+ so loaded it straight up and despite not having a battery in it for the light meter I did a bit of guess work (the first guess work when it comes to metering I had ever done, had someone said sunny 16 to me I probably would have replied 'yeah I am pretty thirsty') so I headed up to nottingham castle and took a shot of an interesting old door.
a few days later I went into town with my photographer/model friend and did a bit of a shoot and decided to head to a shop called 'vintage warehouse' which is basically a never ending hipster jumble sale. we took some shots in there and then went outside down the road to the lazer quest and took some shots out there because we thought it would be all retro and funky.
decided to dev the film myself when I got home because I wanted to TRY and succeed at the whole developing lark so I could feel more like a real photographer and also I was desperate to see some of the shots :-P anyway about an hour later, a lot of that time was spent wrestling the roll into my dev tank in the dark, I had these shots, which I am proud of to this day and still think the one entitled reflection is the best shot ive taken (still could be better, wish I never chopped off annas feet)
anyway I actually used reflection in the print exchange as it was also the first ever photograph I printed in my darkroom. its a whole load of firsts for me that photograph.
reflection by
Thomo_Lomo, on Flickr
Door by the castle by
Thomo_Lomo, on Flickr
Benched by
Thomo_Lomo, on Flickr
apologies for the essay, but you did ask for a story and I'am an ex english student :-P