use paper developer - not film. You could use film dev, but it is likely to be slower. Paper developer will develop to completion at about 2-3 mins on the fibre version and 1 min for the plastic version.
Remember this stuff has a reverse reciprocity characteristic, so avoid use shutter speeds shorter than 1 second, and preferably longer.
And you are likely to want to pre-flash the paper to control the contrast . Get some frosted glass/ tracing paper and meter through it. then set your shutter and aperture to the meter reading. Stop down the lens aperture by 2-3 stops, place the paper/ glass over the lens and expose the paper to the diffused light. Then make your exposure as usual.
All of that said, I've not managed yet to get consistent results with the stuff. Others have though. I think Andrea has had some success. Ed and I spent an afternoon messing with it and getting nowhere fast.
good luck :0)