Francois is correct. Fixing is all that is needed.
However, I do invert it, then flip it and occasionally tweak the contrast a bit to make it more representational of the setting and scenery.
I have noticed that different papers react in their own unique ways, as most of you that print your own photos have experienced.
The Ilford satin RC paper I use shifts toward a more golden/copper/brown, while the current pack of expired Kodak polycontrast gloss RC paper I am using is quite blue biased.
The results are always interesting!
I would highly recommend anyone give this a go. It's a cheap thrill at the very least, and also a test of patience.
There is a great gallery and complete instructions at my mentor Tarja Trygg's site.
I'm also happy to help anyone that wishes to try it out. I've made every boo-boo a person can doing this.