I hope this is a genuinely new topic. Apologies if it isn't.
For some time, I've had an "on / off" sort of relationship with a local National Trust site called Hatfield Forest. which sits in Essex, just to the south of Stansted Airport and just to the east of the M11 motorway.
Anyone wanting to check out its credentials, should have a look at the following link - which explains the place much better than I ever could:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatfield_ForestAs Hatfield Forest is about a 15 minute drive west from where I live, I've been there numerous times in the 12 years I've lived down here. However, whether I've taken digital or film, 35mm or 120, colour or mono, I've never been truly happy with the photos. I have no idea why.
Anyway, a few weeks ago my wife and I went for a walk on a pretty wet and overcast day. I decided to fill my Hassy with Ilford PanF rated at 50 and see what one final roll of film might yield. I'd made my mind up that if this wasn't a success (in my eyes) I wasn't wasting any more time going back there. I only took about 6 or 7 shots. These are the best of the roll I took. They're the best I've managed to-date.
I'm happy for any comments / critiques / suggestions. I'm also wondered if this might be a good theme for a thread for others interested in our leafy, life-enhancing friends.
All photos were taken on Hasselblad 500c/m, 60mm or 80mm lenses (one with extension tube). Processed in CS3 to remove dust & scratches and then via LR2 to apply toning / sharpening and contrast, etc.