Author Topic: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!  (Read 1643 times)


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OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:14:45 PM »
I don't know if anyone around here is a bit like me, but it seems somehow strange things always happen to me. Take last night for example. For a while, I had been having problems with my screen. You know, the usual "slowly going on the fritz" thing. It seemed pretty stable in an ugly way. So, after having supper, I slowly make my way downstairs to my office when I start hearing a loud screeching electrical sound. Not liking what I hear, I speed up the pace. As I get near the office door, there is a strange smell. You know the one that lets you know "nothing good can come from this"? Well, as I enter the room, I can see the image bouncing wildly across the screen, and it wasn't my screensaver! And with the addition of the mystical blue smoke coming out the back, I really knew for sure something was wrong. Luckily, I was fast enough to turn off the power bar and limit the damage. The computer was spared (pfew!). The entire room (and soon the entire house) smelled of burnt plastic, resin and other fine chemicals. My dad had to take it out and I had to ventilate the entire house by -31 weather! And yes, it was cold...

So now, with great luck, I did find a replacement monitor in a dusty corner of the garage. It's a 20 year old screen (Samsung). No adjustments. Limited to 800x600 32 bit color. It's small (14 inches). But it works...

Anyways, I had to tell this adventure of mine. It was a really weird spectacle. Now, I have to go shopping for something a tad bit bigger. It's more than time I put a decent LCD panel on my desk!

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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 12:42:42 AM »
Glad it didn't end up worse for you. LCDs are at least cheap now for you to be able to shop around. Maybe the 'IT gear gods' were giving you a nudge to give up on the old CRT  ;)


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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 03:53:17 PM »
Probably... Now I've got my eye on a nice (albeit smallish) 20 inch LCD from Samsung. Has a good contrast ratio (50,000 to 1) and a good price (199$)...

I would be tempted by something bigger but it doesn't fit my desk well between the tower, scanner, speakers and so on.

And anything would be better than the dinky 486 vintage screen I'm using now :)

I never realized how much a small screen like that takes away the fun in computing...

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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 06:01:57 PM »

could you send the screensaver virus to me please, I really want to update my screen but am not allowed to while it still works reasonably well.

I bet if I can get it to make the same burning smells and melting sounds it will give the impression, much like yours did, of being no good anymore.

  :D :D ;) ;)
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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2010, 06:27:10 PM »
Can't help much on the screensaver side, but I think I discovered the recipe to kill an old screen: turn off power management and increase the scan frequency to the maximum allowed. :)

I just found this lengthy and interesting discussion on the subject (the motherboard)

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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2010, 10:50:16 PM »
i had a monitor burst into flames once about 10 years ago. i was watching tv and  i hear a crackling sound, turned around and flames suddenly popped out of the top of the thing. was a compaq crt monitor. good thing i was home when it happened!
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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2010, 10:52:57 PM »
Mine had two very distinct brown marks on the top... what I call a close shave.

But somehow, it makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one with such an experience.

But this won't possibly happen anytime soon. I just got my hands on a small 20 inch Samsung LCD. All I have to do is find a way to calibrate properly the thing. The Samsung software is buggy  :-\

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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 05:10:25 PM »
Oh my word, what an awful thing Francois!  I'm just happy to hear it happened when you were home to save the entire house from going up in smoke!  *(small blessings everywhere...).    Happy shopping for that next great monitor. 


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Re: OT: Last night, my computer was so hot!
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2010, 04:01:25 PM »
I must admit I really was lucky!
I was so scared for the computer... there's a lot of power in a regular monitor!
For now, I'm just happy the old one is gone to recycling. It was old (had it running on a daily basis for 10 years straight) and was due for replacement anyways.

So, now I'm typing this staring into a brand new Samsung LCD which looks like a piece of jewelry on my desk. All black and clear acrylic. No buttons, only touch sensors on the frame. Very sexy. Had it for a great price too (the store made a mistake on the shelf label so they had to sell it for the lower price minus 10$ like the law says :) ). It was even cheaper than many screens half this good! I feel lucky.

By the way Ann, not that I want this to sound tacky, corny or out of place; but I just love your positive outlook... feels refreshing :)

Film is the vinyl record of photography.