Here is a copy of the online chat sessions I had with 2 Epson support staff over the past week vis a vis my ealrier thread. Leon asked for an update. If you don't want to read the whole thing, the basic outcome was they ended the session without providing an answer. I got 6 seconds to be told that I hadn't made a response (when in fact I had) and then was logged out 2 minutes later!)
11:02:51 : Karl Chapman: Initial Question/Comment: resuming chat session 708666
11:02:56 : Hello Karl Chapman. Thank you for connecting to EPSON e-Talk through the EPSON website.
11:02:56 : Genuine EPSON consumables and media can be purchased directly from EPSON through EPSON stock the complete range of consumable items for past and present EPSON products including ink cartridges, laser toners and ribbons.
11:02:56 : You are next in queue...
11:02:57 : Please wait a moment while we connect you to an advisor who will respond to any questions you may have. Whilst waiting to be connected, you can continue to browse the EPSON Store website.
11:03:01 : Did you know you can purchase new hardware directly from EPSON?
11:03:11 : If you are interested in purchasing a new product, your advisor will be able to recommend the right product to meet your requirements.
11:03:31 : The range also includes paper and special media for EPSON inkjet and laser printers and a range of optional extras for printers, scanners, digital cameras and projectors.
11:03:41 : For further details on EPSON products including full product specifications and Technical Support tools, please visit the EPSON UK website at 11:03:51 : Genuine Epson ink offers greater value, superior image quality and longer print life.
11:04:01 : We have made EPSON Store easy to navigate so that you can quickly find and purchase the items you are looking for. The site is as secure as possible so you can place your order online with confidence.
11:04:11 : You also have the reassurance of purchasing Genuine EPSON products with reliable and prompt delivery.
11:04:21 : For easy, convenient shopping available 24 hours a day, Epson Store provides for all your Genuine Epson needs.
11:04:26 : Sarah Foster has joined this session!
11:04:27 : Connected with Sarah Foster. Your Reference Number for this chat is 720542.
11:04:36 : Sarah Foster: Thank you for contacting Epson's UK Customer Interaction Centre. My name is Sarah Foster.
How can I assist you today?
11:05:52 : Karl Chapman: I am resuming a previous chat session, number given above. Problems with scanner leaving a line down negative scans. here is copy of previous transcript
11:06:12 : Sarah Foster: Hello Karl, please do not copy the transcript in this window

too late dear!
11:06:14 : Karl Chapman: Time Details
01/08/2010 02:07:00PM System: "Hello Karl. Thank you for connecting to EPSON e-Talk through the EPSON website."
01/08/2010 02:07:02PM Session Started with Agent (Tom Bellingham)
01/08/2010 02:07:02PM System: "Genuine EPSON consumables and media can be purchased directly from EPSON through EPSON stock the complete range of consumable items for past and present EPSON products including ink cartridges, laser toners and ribbons."
01/08/2010 02:07:02PM Karl: "I am getting a thin line across my negative scans (medium format film), see here for example a few of us fil users have noticed it on Epson scanners. Any idea what it might be?"
01/08/2010 02:07:35PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Thank you for contacting Epson's UK Customer Interaction Centre. My name is Tom Bellingham.
How can I assist you today?"
01/08/2010 02:07:38PM Karl: "Hi Tom"
01/08/2010 02:08:18PM Karl: "Did you get my initial question?"
01/08/2010 02:10:42PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Hello Karl. What scanner do you have please?"
01/08/2010 02:11:45PM Karl: "perfection 3140 I think (I am at work and it is at home)"
01/08/2010 02:13:51PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Please can you confirm this as this does not appear to be a valid scanner model."
01/08/2010 02:15:56PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "If possible can you contact ourselves when you are with scanner?"
01/08/2010 02:18:07PM Karl: "it is a 3170"
01/08/2010 02:19:08PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Ok do you not have this problem when scanning negatives?"
01/08/2010 02:20:45PM Karl: "I haven't noticed it with 35mm negatives just the 120 format negatives, both black and white and colour"
01/08/2010 02:23:54PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Ok are there no breakages on the scanner bed and is scanner bed surface clean?"
01/08/2010 02:26:10PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Thank you for connecting to EPSON's e-Talk service. We have had no response from you. If you still require assistance, please confirm by entering text and pressing your enter key to send your response to us."
01/08/2010 02:26:10PM Karl: "No that I can see. I clean it regularly before use. THere is one small mark on the glass but it is no where the scanner head passes over the negative"
01/08/2010 02:29:43PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Do you have the same problem when scanning other types such as photo's and not negatives?"
01/08/2010 02:31:18PM Karl: "I'll have to check and get back to you another time. I don't scan many photo's so will have a go and see what happens. Wil I have to start thread again or will you keep the details of this enquiry? Thank you for your help so far!"
01/08/2010 02:35:15PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Yes these details will be kept on our system Karl. Is there anything else I may help with?, We now sell ink cartridges and media at competitive prices, with many consumables including P&P. We also sell new products such as printers, scanners and all-in-on"
e?s. We also have offers on extended warranties . These can be purchased directly from myself. Would you be interested in purchasing from myself today?
01/08/2010 02:36:53PM Karl: "No thanks."
01/08/2010 02:37:03PM Agent (Tom Bellingham): "Ok, thank you for using EPSON e-Talk. Please reconnect to if you require further assistance quoting your Session ID. Goodbye."
01/08/2010 02:37:05PM Session Ended
11:06:28 : Sarah Foster: Please hold
11:07:47 : Sarah Foster: Ok, so can you see these lines on the images?
11:08:35 : Karl Chapman: Correct. Following the last chat session I have scanned direct from photos whcih does not show a line.
11:09:17 : Sarah Foster: So the lines are not on scanned photos but just on negatives?
11:09:59 : Karl Chapman: Correct, 120/medium format negatives seem the main problem
11:10:37 : Sarah Foster: OK so they don't appear on smaller sizes
11:12:52 : Karl Chapman: No. I've just checked a random selection of 35mm negs
11:12:58 : Sarah Foster: Thank you for connecting to EPSON's e-Talk service. We have had no response from you. If you still require assistance, please confirm by entering text and pressing your enter key to send your response to us.
11:14:58 : Sarah Foster: As no response has been received from you, our system will disconnect you shortly. Should you wish to return to our EPSON e-Talk service, please connect to e-Talk by clicking on the following link - 11:15:14 : Sarah Foster has left this session!
11:15:15 : The session has ended!
er, and the answer to my problems is...?
I replied at 1
Session ended
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