Hello Group... I wanted to make a couple of comments concerning this thread. My name is Les De Moss. I founded DigiGraphics in 1977...
My poor choice of words
The term "Expanding" was intended to highlight the increased number of services that would be available to existing clients of Carl's Darkroom. I regret that it came across as misleading, especially to those in the Albuquerque area.. and have since updated this page. Most of Carl's business was national, arriving by mail order. Not recognizing the impact on those in Albuquerque was an oversight for which I apologize.
Regarding turnaround times
Film is in-house for a matter of hours... we process and return ship E6 on the same day that it's received. Circumstances that delay processing are very rare but may occur due to unscheduled equipment maintenance or extended process-control procedures. I don't recall the order that was mentioned, or why it took longer than expected. All I can say is that we are highly motivated to process and return as quickly as possible... and regret that this wasn't the experience of the person who made this comment.
Like Carl's Darkroom, behind the name 'DigiGraphics' is a small, tight-knit group dedicated to offering film processing services for as long as there is a viable market. If there is ever an issue with our service, I'd hope to be contacted so that it can be shared and corrected. My email address is in my profile.
If there is a downside to performing so much work via mail order, it's that we miss the personal relationships we enjoy with our local clientele - being able to have conversations like this one face to face. We know it's the same for those in Albuquerque who've lost their trusted lab. The best I can say is that we'll do our best to overcome these obstacles with anyone choosing to work with us.
Les De Moss
DigiGraphics LLC