I'm off to Portugal tomorrow for a month of music work. This may be my last upload for a while--I doubt that I will have access to a film scanner--but I will continue to enjoy all your excellent work and I will be wasting film with reckless abandon. I haven't yet decided which camera to bring. With my trombone and other music equipment, there isn't much room in my luggage for photo equipment. A 35mm and two or three lenses gives me the most options but I prefer medium format. I'm thinking of bringing an old Ikonta square-format rangefinder. Any advice?
Here are images produced by both options. The first is taken with a 35mm lens on a Leica with Tri-X at a street band festival in Cambridge, MA last fall. The second was made with the aforementioned Ikonta in Paris.
[Sorry, image deleted during forum software upgrade. Please re-upload if so inclined.]