XP-2 in Aculux (15 mins) is my standard these days and I would have thought the same would work for the Kodak. XP-2 seems to retain it's latitude. I rate it at 200 but do go up or down a stop depending on conditions with no change in processing. If you want to try FX-39 then use 12 mins.
Why the Kodak? I've never used it but, as far as I know, it's much more like a colour film than the Ilford or Fuji and has a tinted base. Whether that makes a difference though I don't know. In one of those B&W mags there's a review of all three films by Julien Busselle who, I think, said he preferred the Kodak but they were being processed in C41 so may not be applicable if deve'd in b&w chemicals.