Author Topic: My trunk is full of film.  (Read 1984 times)


  • Peel Apart
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My trunk is full of film.
« on: September 13, 2008, 03:45:42 AM »
I live in Houston, TX. I grew up in and around Galveston, TX. As I watch the news and my childhood neighborhood starts to be submerged ( along with my friends' houses down there) it gets you to thinking what you would take with you, if you thought that all your sh!t might be gone in the blink of an eye.  Now to clarify, I think my place is gonna be OK, I live in the middle of the city and we are 65 miles inland, so the likelihood of a storm surge hitting us is pretty slim. We will get wind and rain and maybe flash flooods ( and if we are unlucky tornados....) Anyways, I evacuated in any case and am sitting in the comfort of a friend's house in Austin but as for what I brought.... most all of my negatives, my hard drive, my computer a few clothes and that is about it. So I guess that is my desert island list. It is just weird, because we accumulate all of this stuff and don't often have to think about what cannot be replaced. Well of course my computer Can be replaced, but that would be a PITA.... anyways, back of to watch the news. Next week i am going to do a bit of disaster tourism, I can't help myself, my morbid sense of curiosity cannot be stopped. Besides I feel the need to look and see what is still there and I will probably find some way to help clean up ( that is if my own situation is not too bad....)


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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 04:56:55 AM »
one thing about living in the desert of arizona...not much chance of weather taking what you own. other than an occasional monster storm during the summer knocking a bunch of stuff over and cutting electricity for a bit, not much happens here. once in a while a very small earthquake.
believe it or not, we have a huge dam cutting across the desert of north phoenix. there is a supposed 100-year flood (if so, we are due for one) and someone decided it might be a good idea to save the valley... too bad for all the houses north of the dam, i guess. and all the braniacs that build and live in the giant wash in the west valley.

i spent most of my life in northern indiana, where a tornado, a blizzard or spring flooding was more apt to take it all away in a season or a day. i've always found it interesting that people are surprised when something happens in an area where the same thing happens year after year... hurricanes along the coast, tornado alley, flooding along the mississippi, earthquakes in california, volcanoes in hawaii. oh my god, how could this happen to us? well, duh.

what would i take with me? i guess i'd have to take my cats. my negs and polas, probably my cpu...some books. some cameras...though most could survive everything except being crushed or carried away.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2008, 04:58:55 AM by moominsean »
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Susan B.

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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 06:19:08 AM »
I'm glad you are in Austin. I was about to email you to make sure you were safe and sound, but saw your post.

What would I bring? My dog always comes first, my negs, my cameras, my back-up hard drives, my computer, family albums and my portfolio/prints. Maybe a few changes of clothes and a toothbrush...

Be safe and be well Laura.


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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 03:49:47 PM »
I *did* bring a toothbrush :) I am SO itching to go back right using restraint because I have the kiddos with me :)  Really am hoping there will be power ( and internet) when I get back...Anyone heard from Warren? He lives in Deer Park, which is quite a bit closer to the bay. Hope he and his family are OK.


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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2008, 03:54:58 PM »
Happy to hear you are okay, Laura.

Haven't heard from Warren, but my family lives near him, and the center /eye of the Hurricane went over them.
They have no power and I've been unable to call in to the area--it might be days before power is restored.

I have boxes of negs packed, and photos that I would grab if disaster was knocking on the door.


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An update
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2008, 02:04:11 AM »
House is fine, some tree limbs blown around everywhere, but thats it. We only lost power for about 5 hours. I have cable, internet, water and gas too :) I know most of the city is not half as lucky. The Borders bookstore a block from my house is a charge- an-electronic-device-in-air-conditioned-comfort rest zone and i had to meet some clients in there today and ran into several friends while I was there too. None of these people had electricity. It is weird, another friend walked by the house looking for an open place to get coffee...but then I ate out twice today ( because I did not want to wait in line to get into the grocery store) it is very strange. I feel a bit like I am in communist country with the gas, water, ice lines and strictly enforced curfew...but since i do not really need those things right now, i am trying to wait it out until that is back to normal... the neighborhood i grew up in is effed though.

Susan B.

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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2008, 10:50:50 PM »
glad to hear you didn't get hit too hard Laura. Phew!
I exchanged voice mail messages with Warren today. He's okay, but he took a hit at the house. I'll make another post so all can know.


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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2008, 08:40:05 PM »
Glad to hear you're OK, Laura, as well as Warren.

Yeah, I'd take the same things with me. Negs, fav cameras, laptop + hard drives, family photo albums, etc. Along with the family, of course. And a change or two of clothes.
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Ed Wenn

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Re: My trunk is full of film.
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 12:21:20 AM »
Negs, some cams, photo albums....erm, Jacqui and the kids I suppose  :D But then there's the problem around which of my guitars to take. They're bigger than my cameras and I wouldn't be able to fit them all in the car. Gah!