Author Topic: September 1st week + Beck's take 4  (Read 7388 times)


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September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« on: September 06, 2008, 06:36:38 PM »
Took the Kowa out for a stroll in the wind in Stornoway. Seems to be possessed by demons!

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 06:54:01 PM »
Och a bet yoo rat's Eve  ;D
Graet wee fotis   :)
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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 10:40:01 PM »
Woah! that is a slow shutter!

Reminds me of Robert Doisneau and his curving Eiffel Tower which he made with a hacked speed graphic.

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 07:43:44 AM »
Slow and slot shutter.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2008, 09:09:28 AM »
Andrea - this slow shutter business is working really well for you - great stuff, especially no. 2 


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 03:27:27 AM »
In the eye of a hurricane. Interesting work again Andrea. I am not familiar with slow shutter speeds and will leave it up to folks like you. Looking forward to more...
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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2008, 03:32:19 AM »
Blew off some 665 today with the muse. She is getting older...and so am I. Hard to keep up. Running out of film too. I need to fetch some and soon. Thanks for looking...

What did you all shoot this weekend?

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2008, 05:07:16 AM »
Here are some photos from last week, all taken here in Portland. The square images were done with a Hasselblad 500C with an 80mm 2.8 Planar and Kodak VC 400 film. The black and white shots are from a 10-year-old Ilford XP2 disposable camera I found in the back of my darkroom storage closet. The other image was taken with my dad's Yashica TL Electro X with a Yashinon 50mm 1.7 lens and Fuji 400 H film.

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2008, 05:12:44 AM »
My wife and I were supposed to go camping/hiking in the Ruby Mountains in Northern Nevada.  When we finally made it up, 45 minutes after we started hiking around, a flurry of hail came showering down on us (first time I've seen hail and boy, the hurt, especially when you're just wearing a long sleeve shirt).  After getting pelted and soaked, we decided to go back home.  In the end, I drove over 1000 miles in 30 hours or so.  Oh well, at least we gave it our best shot.  :P

Here are some pics from our trip.  I've noticed that I have a pension for shooting people in the distance standing off by themselves, it just sorta catches my eye.  Problem is that it's not so good for web display

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2008, 05:32:18 AM »
Wow, some very lovely images here.

I've been hiking local parks recently. These were taken with a modified Holga on HP5+.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2008, 07:29:16 AM »
great pics everyone.  I've taken the liberty of merging Becky and Andrea's threads as I think we suddenly had two weekend round up threads for this week.  Hope that's ok.  B or A let me know if that was not your intention.

No shooting for me this week, spent quite a bit of time in the dark, but prints are too big to scan, and they; weren't new subjects anyway.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2008, 09:52:22 AM »
Fine by me as this was my intention :-)

BTW; its not just a slow shutter I have been using but by passing a slot over the front of an open shutter [f22] I'm getting this effect. I shot three rolls with varying effects - Eve leaning forward, back, very thin etc. great fun

Fantastic shots everyone but my favs here are Becks.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2008, 10:15:20 AM »
Pardon the post, Andrea.  :)  Didn't know for sure if you were showing your own work or not as there was not any additional info asking others what they shot. I should have just known. None to worry, and thanks. Appreciate the combination, Leon. Turning out to be another great round of photos. The weeks are flying by. More soon...
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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2008, 10:27:39 AM »

BTW; its not just a slow shutter I have been using but by passing a slot over the front of an open shutter [f22] I'm getting this effect. I shot three rolls with varying effects - Eve leaning forward, back, very thin etc. great fun

Ahhhh, I see! what a great technique, very clever!  Thanks for letting us in on the secret!  Great shots too.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2008, 10:33:25 AM »
has a feel of this Lartigue pic about it Andrea



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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2008, 12:33:10 PM »
I wish !


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2008, 02:20:01 PM »
I love the that Lartigue photo. I believe that the affect occurred because the shutter opening slid from the bottom of the frame vertically to the top, while the camera was being panned to the right with the car.

Thus anything that was stationary, such as the people, got "painted" diagonally left across the frame as the camera moved right and the shutter slid up.

The car, on the other hand, was moving slightly faster than the camera was being panned, thus the wheel, where the affect is most noticable, is being "painted" across the frame diagonally upwards and to the right. Hence the fantastic impression of speed and motion as the car leans forward into the frame and the stationary spectators lean backwards and out of the frame.

Or maybe it was just all magic and alchemy ...!


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2008, 03:12:07 PM »
Yep, that's it - but hellishly difficult to recreate!


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2008, 04:40:48 PM »
i've been working all weekend, so i ain't got squats. going ghost town hunting next saturday so i'll have some stuff then.
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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2008, 06:18:14 PM »
I believe that the affect occurred because the shutter opening slid from the bottom of the frame vertically to the top, while the camera was being panned to the right with the car.

Shutter was going top to bottom. Remember the image is inverted in the camera.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2008, 06:31:56 PM »
I believe that the affect occurred because the shutter opening slid from the bottom of the frame vertically to the top, while the camera was being panned to the right with the car.

Shutter was going top to bottom. Remember the image is inverted in the camera.

Apologies for disagreeing Mr LawnMowerMan, but if the camera was panning after the car then the shutter must have been moving upwards since it is the wheels [in real life ] that are sloping towards the movement - if you see what I mean. My image above was made with the shutter [in front of the lens] moving upwards whilst Eve [my partner and the subject] was moving from right to left.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2008, 10:02:24 PM »
Hi Andrea,

I think you're right, but you had the shutter in front of the camera where the image is right way up. In Lartigue's picture, the shutter was (I assume) in the camera where the image would have been inverted so to get the same effect, the shutter would have to run the other way. Basically, I think we both agree that the shutter ran from the bottom of the image to the top - don't we?


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2008, 10:43:23 PM »
I'm completely lost so here's a picture of Johnnys Entertainments Centre in Kirkcaldy. Oh, the fun we have here...

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2008, 10:51:50 PM »
I see what you mean Mr LawnMowerMAn.

Which way was your shutter moving Karl?


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2008, 12:13:51 AM »
The curtain shutter on my speed graphic runs from top of the camera to the bottom. The image is upside down on the ground glass. Because the wheel is going forward, the bottom of the wheel will get its time on the film before the top of the wheel does. Don't confuse me on the panning. The whole idea confuses me, the pictures confuse me. I tend to use my lens shutter and tripods anyway :)

I finished off some rolls of film at the Regents Street Festival on Sunday. Overall a rather crap "celebration" of consumerism but luckily there was a rather fabulously flamboyant acting troupe performing Hamlet as it should be, with passion and entertainment. and without a set or props or costumes. I have 3 B&W rolls to develop (one is an "ooh hey this canister feels heavy, there's film in here, wtf is that from?", one is from the newly tuned up finetta 88 camera, one is from the Nikon FG which i thought was loaded with kodak 160NC doh!) and 3 rolls of colour to send off somewhere.  I think I'll give Spectrum Imaging a go this time.

Also went to London Championships for rabbit judging (which is also a big once a year event for all the small animal clubs to display and have judging take place). Didn't take pictures there in case someone objected and plus it's pretty dark in there.  Obviously the rabbits have to be eating their carrots.
ooh shiny things!


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2008, 04:17:21 AM »
I have got to try that vertical curtain panning buisness.

I had a bowling tournament this weekend.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2008, 08:19:56 AM »
Shutter was going top to bottom. Remember the image is inverted in the camera.

Jeez I didn't even think of that! Was the image inverted? ie when he moved the camera right to follow the car, did the image on the ground glass move to the left?!?

I like the way this topic has managed to go from blurred people to bunnys with discussions of upside down back to front cars and bowling alleys, in between


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2008, 08:35:05 AM »
Was the image inverted? ie when he moved the camera right to follow the car, did the image on the ground glass move to the left?!?

Do we actually know what camera was used here?

If it was a view camera then, presumably, if he had film in the camera then he wouldn't have been looking at the ground glass but would have used a seperate viewfinder.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #28 on: September 09, 2008, 09:14:52 AM »
Shutter was going top to bottom. Remember the image is inverted in the camera.

I like the way this topic has managed to go from blurred people to bunnys with discussions of upside down back to front cars and bowling alleys, in between

Wow, and how. I think perhaps Andrea's original post should stand alone and continue on with the discussion? And then my original intent should call for separation including the images submitted by the few and carry on as well? Leon?
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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2008, 10:03:19 AM »
Beck - I think it's fine as it is.  It would be too confusing to separate the 2 threads again.  Happy for one of the other mods to do it if they have the time.


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2008, 12:52:45 PM »
i think we should split it up and then remerge it at a later date.
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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #31 on: September 10, 2008, 04:06:01 PM »
oooh oooh! I got pictures! These are from my newly tuned up, back from the repair shop, Finetta 88 camera. I have bulb mode now and the fishie photos have inspired me to consider using the Nikon to do a more cropped shot, at night with the room lights off. I think my fish and I make beautiful photos together.

Then we have a few pictures from the Regents Street Festival which I was pretty disappointed by. Was mostly a commerical/shop free-for-all. However, we did find a rather smashing acting troupe who perform Hamlet with some passion, no set, on the move (moving around the areas off Regents Street for each Act) and with random props.

Sorry for all the dust on my scanner. My darkroom is pretty dust free, the scanner is not. Need to get wet printing!

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ooh shiny things!

Susan B.

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #32 on: September 11, 2008, 08:04:26 AM »
Andrea--that camera is awesome.
Keep shooting with that. Or if you get bored, I'm happy to take it off your hands. ;)

Great images all.

And Beck--gorgeous. Bravo. Polaroid really works for you


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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #33 on: September 11, 2008, 06:59:58 PM »
Thanks Susan. Its not the camera but the very special piece of cardboard - with a slit in it!

Here's another gem - taken with a shutter-less FKD LF 'camera' [13x18] using X-ray film and contact printed and toned on old old paper.

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Re: September 1st week + Beck's take 4
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2008, 04:00:43 AM »
Andrea's great photos and the posts about them and Lartigue's car shot have prompted me to hunt for the book that describes the focal plane distortion: " the photograph by J-H Lartigue, the impression of speed is conveyed by the apparent forward lean of the car's wheel and the backward lean of the spectators. Both effects are due to the shutter, a fast-moving slit that moves vertically across the film, exposing different parts of it at different instants in time. Thus, in taking a picture of a fast-moving car, the bottom of the wheel will be photographed at one point, but when the slit in the shutter reaches the top of the wheel, the whole car will have moved to the right, so that the wheel  comes out looking egg-shaped. In taking this picture Lartigue had to move his camera to keep pace with the car's movement. This, in turn, gave the spectators their odd appearance, for when the shutter's slit passed across their legs the camera was in one position, but by the time it exposed their heads the camera and film had moved to the right." [from "The Camera"; Time-Life Books; 1970]

Here are a couple of time exposures I took at Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo this past May with a Nikon F2.

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