Author Topic: Getting Closer  (Read 2245 times)


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Getting Closer
« on: July 20, 2008, 05:11:42 PM »
I want to try and do some close-up work with my ColorPack III. I have never done these before with any camera...while I did make an attempt here and there with other cameras, guess work mainly and distance...they were not to my liking. So I have this kit, as pictured, and tried to determine distance with the lights out and a candle. The filter is a tad bit smaller than the Colopack's wide lens, but nothing too terrible. But, I imagine there will be a slight vignette considering. That's fine. So I set the camera and candle apart and focused in on the flame. I could see it, barely, well, some, and the approximant range, using the #3 filter, at, 9 1/2 inches. Give or take. The max. field on the filter reads, 7 x 9 1/4. I am not sure this kit is even compatible with this model.

What do you guys think. Sound right? Might work? I could use a tip or two. I just loaded it with more 665 and want to try.


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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2008, 01:58:21 AM »
i have the same's for the old roll film cameras, like my 150. doesn't fit on the colorpacks. i'd imaging you would have a problem getting an image because they don't attach to the front, so the distance from the lens isn't correct if you tape it on.
as far as i've found, they never made filters for the hardcases. there are filters available for the folding cameras (model 100, etc.).

i've got a 180 now, i want to pick up a close-up filter set for it...
"A world without Polaroid is a terrible place."
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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2008, 02:17:46 AM »
I figured they were for the roll film models as it did come with a 80 in the case. And I did tape it on and going to try one shot and see what it does having a piece of string for my focal point. Who knows, maybe it will make something neat. But I have my doubts.

Also, on a side note with regards to the Polaroid. I had seen in one of the threads over at the toy cameras group (flickr) how someone butchered a folding camera and placed a Holga inside. Interesting results that cat got. I had my old 420 laying around and thought I'd try. I got as far as ripping everything off...including most of the bars...till the two on the left housed under the film door. Uh oh. I smashed off the top of the door by accident trying to pull apart the remaining bar thingies. All gone. BUT. I did manage to snag the lens element that sits behind the camera lens itself and it is a perfect fit for the Holga.

So what I did was hold the element in front of my eye, taking my other hand, or object, and shifting it back and forth for a correct focus. Which was approximately 6 inches. So I fastened the lens on the Holga, along with a 6 " piece of string. I am going to chance the remaining frames left in the camera and see what that does too as far as a close-up filter goes. I can't stop laughing. What you think...hopeless? Hahaha....that is me for sure.

Thanks...and nice catch with the 180, too. Rot...
Retired Renegade Plastic Film Liberator Super Heroine


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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2008, 02:28:27 AM »
Here is that thread:

I was larfing when I seen how Mark was trying to bully his way in the thread with his Fujistein. Hahaha...
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« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2008, 10:47:32 PM »
Well, I blew that pack today with the students. I think the close-up lens can work. But getting at an exact distance for calls for practice. I probably won't try again and am satisfied with the experiment. Most of the, well, all but one, were over exposed and even hard to scan. So now I am down to 9 packs of 665. None to worry...more on the way.

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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2008, 10:56:41 PM »
practice with cheaper film! you can get fuji fp-3000b for 6.99 a pack at freestyle.
"A world without Polaroid is a terrible place."
                                                                  - John Waters


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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2008, 11:15:17 PM »
Pah. I aint sweating it really. And I got the Fuji too...
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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2008, 01:08:24 PM »
practice with cheaper film!

Great idea!


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Re: Getting Closer
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2008, 07:55:04 PM »
Nice work, Beck. Keep 'em coming.
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