Tried to drop a roll of Fuji 400CN in to the local lab for C41 processing. As their machine has no manual over-ride [over the DX coding] on it the chap couldn't pull process it for me (400 ISO exposed at 200 ISO).
Now, assuming I want to expose the film at a slower speed (from the web it looks like chromogenic film doesn't respond well to being pushed) I think I have a few options...
1) Buy some DX labels - though at ?16 they are a bit pricey?
2) Get the lab to process at 400 ISO - the web says the film will be fine, but surely it would still be better to develop the film as it was exposed even with wide latitude?

3) Buy an ND filter and just expose at 400 ISO
4) Find a lab which will pull a film!
Feels like option 3 will give the most flexibility, but I may end up with the filters (ND + yellow) being longer than my lens!
Right now, home processing real B+W film isn't much of an option.
Any ideas?