Author Topic: wasting sheets on a new/old lens  (Read 1116 times)


  • Sheet Film
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    • Stargazy Photography
wasting sheets on a new/old lens
« on: July 02, 2008, 09:03:03 PM »
Yesterday I realised I could get the lens & shutter off of a very old (and ugly and not useful) 3x4 roll film folding camera my uncle gave my parents to give to me. Today I have been testing it on the 4x5 camera. I built a lensboard for the lens out of mattboard yesterday (black side inwards).
I set up a little still life of a blooming tea in a glass and my crows feet (I touched them with my bare hands! woohoo!)

I have some problems with poking its lever shutter release without wobbling the camera... I need a proper camera that can handle 1.8kg of camera on it and maybe not made of plastic.

Anyway, on with the two photos... It appears that this lens has a bit of swirly bokeh going on (yay!)

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ooh shiny things!