I've tried the hydrogen peroxide and citric acid reversal process and I must say I'm in some way impressed.
It's cheap and works very well. It gives a print with some definitively dense blacks. And seeing the image appear and the tones dance on the paper is quite fantastic. Also, the print doesn't require any fixing. I've had one on my desk for about 2 years now and it still looks the same as it did on the first day.
But there are a few down sides to consider. Since you have to overexpose some already slow paper, exposure times can get pretty long (I rate my Ilford RC paper at 3 ISO for normal camera use... with this process I was exposing it at something like 1...)
Also, you get that brown blotchy stain in the whites. I heard that using some Iron-Out cleaner would get rid of it, but I just never went to get some.
The peroxide doesn't last long. That could be due to the fact that I can only find some 20 volume solution at local drugstores. As the chemicals get mixed, the peroxide slowly dies.
But it definitely is a lot less picky than the Ilford Direct Positive when it comes to exposure. Also, the paper is relatively inexpensive when compared to DP...
As you see, pros and cons.