Which Board? => Main Forum => Topic started by: Francois on April 01, 2018, 09:57:20 PM
This is so nice!
This guy takes people's portrait using a Speed Graphic.
It's a great clip! It makes a strong business case for peel apart film. I love the attitude and style of the photographer, it's very classy.
I had to watch this twice! There are not many of his kind. Respect!
I know I found this strangely inspiring...
I saw him the first (and only time) I have visited B&H in person. He was right outside, with his camera and wearing a brownish linen jacket and his hat. Very interesting guy.
Peter kept mentioning his name to me and I had no idea who he was talking about. Then he described him and I was like OH, you mean the guy that I see at least once a week in NYC ;D I should probably strike up a conversation with him at some point, he seems like a nice person.
Please do, Satish. And say hi from Germany for me and let him know that I find what he does very inspiring. :)
This is so nice!
This guy takes people's portrait using a Speed Graphic.
Yes, and Louis has been using that same SpeedGraphic since 1958!
He is a legend and a lovely person. I first met Louis years ago when I was selling my pictures in front of the Met Museum and he was taking pictures there. Now I see him almost daily, in front of B&H. He is often tutoring younger photographers getting started with their own SpeedGraphics.
The New Yorker did a good story on him a few years ago. I have something in common with him, we both hoard flash bulbs. (
that is so cool.
He is a class act and a dapper dresser!
Wish I was nearer new York, I'd go look him up.