
Which Board? => Main Forum => Topic started by: DaveO on August 01, 2011, 12:25:25 AM

Title: Pics
Post by: DaveO on August 01, 2011, 12:25:25 AM
    I am unable to post photos because they are larger than the 300kb limit. How do you re-size them before posting.

Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Ed Wenn on August 01, 2011, 12:38:28 AM
Hi Dave, it depends on what type of operating system you're using and what image editing software you're using. Google is always a good starting point: (

You can make the search more specific to your situation by adding extra search criteria such as "Photoshop" "Windows Vista" "Gimp" etc.

Good luck.
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 01, 2011, 05:34:27 PM
If you use Picasa, you go File-Export Pictures to Folder
Select Resize to and put something like 600 pixels (good enough)
Image quality Normal

That should put you in the ballpark
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: DaveO on August 02, 2011, 07:56:43 PM
     It's too bad the forum doesn't have the ability to re-size pics within it.

Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 02, 2011, 08:30:27 PM
Well... there's also Picnik ( for what it's worth...
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on August 02, 2011, 08:38:50 PM
I've found photoresizer from ( useful.

Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Ed Wenn on August 03, 2011, 12:37:08 AM
To be very clear on this; the forum re-sizes photos in terms of just doesn't reduce the size of the file itself.

DaveO: Do you not have any image editing software at your disposal at all? How are you getting the analogue image onto your computer in the first place?
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 03, 2011, 03:14:13 PM
I've found photoresizer from ( useful.


Nice find!
I'm definitely adding this on my computer.
It reminds me of the Photoshop Droplets... only a gazillion times faster.

DaveO: Do you not have any image editing software at your disposal at all? How are you getting the analogue image onto your computer in the first place?
I was wondering the same thing... using only an online graphics editor seems a bit minimalistic to me when I consider all the ton of great opensource/freeware stuff that's out there...
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: DS on August 03, 2011, 07:55:05 PM
there is also this: (

Which is:

(but a tad on the geeky side. I've been using it a lot at work to resize, convert format and add watermarks to 1000's of boring images)
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 03, 2011, 08:31:22 PM
There's also XNconvert... but this time with a GUI :)
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: DaveO on August 03, 2011, 10:03:26 PM
To be very clear on this; the forum re-sizes photos in terms of just doesn't reduce the size of the file itself.

DaveO: Do you not have any image editing software at your disposal at all? How are you getting the analogue image onto your computer in the first place?

     I've been having a CD made when I develop the film. I didn't think the files were that big of the images. They seem to be just over 800kb which is too large for the forum. Someone on another forum gave me the pixlr editor address which can be used online only. I tried down loading one free software that edits and it downloaded a bunch of software that I didn't want that keeps trying to take over my computer. One of them is Bing, I can't seem to find where it is to get rid of it.

Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 04, 2011, 03:38:59 PM
Bing should be the Microsoft search engine add-on. There should be an uninstaller in the add-remove programs app in the control panel (possibly called the Bing Bar).

I've been using freeware and open source software for so long I'm starting to think I'm somewhat a reference on good cheap software. One word would be to just uninstall the stuff you don't want on your computer and ask for the name of the good software.

Do you have a good antivirus? Getting a clean machine is the best ways to start making a good photo setup.
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: DaveO on August 05, 2011, 06:53:08 PM
     I have Norton 360 running on my computer. I usually manually run it every day.

Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 05, 2011, 10:46:52 PM
Not too bad a program and quite reliable (though quite heavy). If your subscription is over and you don't want to pay for a renewal, there's the Microsoft Security Essentials. It is said to be the best free antivirus out there. It's fast and surprisingly reliable. Had it running on my netbook for a while and I must say I have absolutely no complaints about it. The only reason I don't use it anymore is that I now run Ubuntu on that machine :)

If you're looking for a good graphics editor that's almost as good as Photoshop, you can try The Gimp. While the interface takes a bit of getting used to and it doesn't support 16 bit color, it's an incredible package for the price... it's open source freeware :)
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: terryj42 on August 06, 2011, 10:36:38 PM
Long time lurker here, but I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents on Microsoft Security Essentials: awesome product made even better by being free.  I use it on all my home computers and have had absolutely no trouble with it at all.  Yep, Microsoft actually gives away a very good product.   ;D

As for photo editing software, I've looked at several different ones (esp. since I can't justify the expense of Photoshop *and* still afford camera gear).  I use Paintshop Pro -- you can often catch it on sale at various US shops for $20 or less.  While the older versions were best (back before Corel bought them), the latest versions work pretty well and offer lots of bells and whistles for the price.  While I haven't used it, there's a freeware program called Paint.Net ( ( that I have read good reviews about.  Of course, the GIMP is one of the best open-source tools out there, IMO, but the learning curve is almost at the same level as Photoshop.
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 06, 2011, 10:39:46 PM
Quite true.
I have a friend who swears only by the old Paintshop Pro...
I've never used but heard good things about it.

The good thing with open source software is that it never contains junk you can't take off.
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Late Developer on August 07, 2011, 10:46:29 PM
I tend to use BD Sizer. Great piece of freebie software. Specify the length of the longest edge, specify the maximum files size, re-size - job done...... (
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: sapata on August 07, 2011, 11:42:52 PM
I had been using and paying for Norton for years when my PC got infected. I got in contact with the customers services just to be told I had to pay for a fix. Seriously ?? The PC shouldn't get infected at first! and secondly, I paid for the services already... why should I have to pay again?  >:( >:(

I got rid off the $%&ody software and install Microsoft Essentials... so light comparing to Norton and TOTALLY FREE! Never had any virus since ... I use in conjunt with "Malwarebytes" and "Noscript" for Firefox...
Title: Re: Pics
Post by: Francois on August 08, 2011, 03:56:17 PM
I tend to use BD Sizer. Great piece of freebie software. Specify the length of the longest edge, specify the maximum files size, re-size - job done......

Here's a simpler download link (