
Which Board? => Main Forum => Topic started by: Mike (happyforest) on January 13, 2010, 11:47:29 PM

Title: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on January 13, 2010, 11:47:29 PM
Found this on the BBC iplayer this evening.

"Brian Duffy was one of the greatest photographers of his generation. Along with David Bailey and Terence Donovan he defined the image of the 1960s and was as famous as the stars he photographed. Then suddenly in the 1970s he disappeared from view and burned all his negatives. With the first ever exhibition of his work due, Duffy has agreed to be filmed to talk about his life, his work and why he made it all go up in flames."

Also his website can be found here:

Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: Windy on January 14, 2010, 07:25:14 AM
BBC4 last night, repeated tonight (Thur 14th) at 11pm, and I think the start of a series on photography (from the comment on 'next weeks programme' made during the credits.

A great programme, what a character!!
Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: salvo on January 14, 2010, 09:58:43 AM
yep, interesting story and character, also David Bailey interviewed about Duffy and the era during the programme. On iPlayer now, had to watch the first 10 mins again as somebody kept me on the blower far too long.

...... and I think the start of a series on photography (from the comment on 'next weeks programme' made during the credits.

I think they mentioned war photography next week, maybe Don McCullin?
Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: choppert on January 14, 2010, 01:06:41 PM
...... and I think the start of a series on photography (from the comment on 'next weeks programme' made during the credits.

I think they mentioned war photography next week, maybe Don McCullin?

Looking on BBC website the programme on war next week looks like movie rather than 'our' film  :-[
Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: This-is-damion on January 15, 2010, 08:43:32 AM
That duffy programme was really good,   Ive just finished off last few mins at work (and realised I can get the iplayer on work computer!!!)

What a character - Great stuff, thanks for posting.

Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: Francois on January 15, 2010, 04:07:38 PM
Well... I guess I'm out of luck on this one

Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you.
Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: Mike (happyforest) on February 08, 2010, 07:30:23 PM
The film is now available on duffy's web site.

I do not know if this still only available in the UK.


Title: Re: Duffy Photographer on BBC
Post by: Francois on February 08, 2010, 10:15:17 PM
Downloads fine from here using DownloadHelper.
257mb file in MP4 format