Which Board? => Main Forum => Topic started by: Blaxton on June 06, 2009, 03:18:34 AM
Here are two pictures of a sculpture made by one Manuel Batista--a stone cutter and clarinetist who lives in Penalva do Castelo, Portugal--that is on the lawn of the Public Library in Cumberland, Rhode Island (sister city to Penalva do Castelo). These scanned 6x7mm negatives were made on Tri-X with my Crown Graphic and a 210mm Caltar lens.
I've been traveling enough recently to cut into my film wasting efforts but I have been enjoying, as always, the fine work displayed here.
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First up is a shot through a cupcake bakery window, taken with a Kodak Brownie Hawkeye and Kodak Ektar 100. Next is some thrilling incongruity outside our local train station, captured through a bus window with a Kodak Tourist loaded with re-spooled Fuji Reala Ace 100. The last three are from yesterday's thunderstorm, taken with an Olympus Trip 35 and Fuji Reala 100. Happy shooting y'all :D
Blaxton, I really like your photos, especially the second one...VERY nice!
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blaxton - I love the detail on the granite.
Here are a few I took last Sunday in Spitalfields Market. It was some kind of performance art thing celebrating the death of the East End (I didn't understand it either). And the last one .... well, I couldnt resist really.
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cmdrray and wavebeat... loving it.
a few more - holgas this time.
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Nice work above. This weekend, I've been converting some negative scans that I've done recently. All taken with a Yashica Mat 124 and expired Fuji Reala 100 film.
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A local steam/transport fair today.
Campsite at the w/e for us on the Isle of Berneray, Western Isles. and a lovely house I snapped - whilst it was raining ! Wild but lovely.
Ikonta A. PanF Rodinal.
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Got back from Istanbul few days ago, still going through scans of the photos
i converted a Polaroid J33 to pack film this weekend. nice!
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all nice!
That 4th one from Salvo of the men on the steps is especially a knock out! :)
all nice!
That 4th one from Salvo of the men on the steps is especially a knock out! :)
Agreed - nice series of images!
Beautiful Holgas, Leon.
nice work boat-man.
I've been burning some of my remaining T55 on a portrait series
have a good week people..
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Thanks DB
Never had made the connection between Wally and Charles Hawtry!
I am starting to dial it up a little... summer is beginning to feel me up.
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superb stuff all round. nice to see my 2 fave toycamera shooters posting too (db & elgordo). those wobbly hedges are intriguing gordon.
I need to soup some film... great stuff everyone. Really like Salvo's shoes and the guys on the steps. And Eye's trees! Excellent! these threads are the best,
I've been snapping my dogs again.
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Fantastic uploads, I've spent a bit of time just wading through them.
Leon - Aww! Such beautiful dog portraits! I loved, loved the holgas too!
Andrea - that house capture is a DREAM!
db - Hahaha!! (And yet to beauuuteeful, as only T55 can be)
eyecaramba - fabulous set!
Sometimes the simplest things are the most complex and yet still simple. Wandering in my garden I liked the light under the Laburnum tree. I thought it would be good in B&W. And I like it.
(From the Mamiya Rb67, 180mm lens)
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been having fun with the fujipet as of late. Always a weekend r two behind !!
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Some more great images
eyecaramba - thats a impressive set of images
Leon - this set of the dogs and others should be displayed somewhere as a full set!
Great stuff everyone. Really like Salvo's shoes and the guys on the steps. And Eye's trees! Excellent! ::)