Author Topic: new type 55 film on the horizon?  (Read 10970 times)


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new type 55 film on the horizon?
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:23:38 AM »
just found this and remember listening to an old fw podcast where someone was talking about how they just bought a camera to shoot 55 film but soon after heard that polaroid was shutting down.

anyway, could be interesting :)

where I found it:
(closed thread with reply by TIP)


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 03:23:18 PM »
Integral size type 55???
What a weird decision...
That means no peel apart or peel apart with a small square in the middle?
Not very clear to me...

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 03:42:13 PM »
Interesting. I hear talk that they are making their own camera. I wonder if that camera will shoot this integral size 55 type film.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 05:30:48 PM »
wouldn't integral type 55 film just be big integral film?  I dont think type 55 really comes into it - does it?


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 06:37:22 PM »
It's a nice thought (even though I don't see how 55 can be integral), but they still haven't come anywhere near perfecting the SX70 film they've been trying to make.

I'm all for supporting them, and I hope they can do it but so far everything they've made looks like old, long expired polaroid. Type 55 was all about the clarity you could get from that gorgeous, creamy emulsion - AND the negative. I haven't seen any clarity come out of the IP yet. I'll keep waiting, watching, trying what they come up with, but I just can't see how they'll get anywhere close to our beloved old Type 55.

I'd LOVE nothing more than to be proven wrong though!


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 07:08:07 PM »
I'd love to see the 55 film back... I always thought it was the best instant film I had the chance to use.
Mauricio Sapata

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2011, 07:22:54 PM »
Yes, well! You'd think that they'd want to show us that they can at least produce one stable film rather than add to the ever expanding range of not quite up to it films!


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2011, 08:01:33 PM »
And you know, its a cheap shot for them to call it type 55 at all if its integral because as has been said already, type 55 wasnt integral so it would just be a larger size integral film. Seems to me they would use that Type 55 name just to attract buyers. Yeah, that would be a pretty sleazy thing to do. I sure hope they dont.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2011, 09:43:40 PM »
Integral film is always the type that is sealed with a plastic window.
Type 55 is always peel apart.
I have a hard time figuring out how they'd do it considering they also have to produce a negative...
Unless they invent a new film which would have the window and a peel tab to separate the set... which I don't know if it would fit inside a SX-70 type camera without reducing the image size...

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2011, 12:55:58 AM »
And you know, its a cheap shot for them to call it type 55 at all

Agreed. This is like a sub-sub genre of the hype machine and i must say I'm dismayed at this careless shorthand use of iconic words to describe something which won't be at all like the thing they're referencing. First it's 'Polaroid' being used interchangeably with the more accurate 'instant', then it was TIP 'saving' instant photography despite the fact that they were only really producing one flavour of what Polaroid used to offer, and hey, guess what? Someone else (Fujifilm) was already doing much the same for another, broader sector of the old Polaroid film catalogue + some new formats of their instant photography was hardly dead even before the TIP countdown timer counted down (for the second time).

Now we have "Type 55" being bandied about in the same breath as the word "integral". Eh!?

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2011, 03:22:54 PM »
They've been mumbling about a new "type 55" for a year or so now. They have a blog which can be found here:

They haven't mentioned anything I can see on their blog that alludes to an integral film. It looks pos/neg peel apart to me.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 03:27:56 PM by gregor »


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2011, 03:56:50 PM »
Gregor  - Bob Crowley's blog isn't linked to the Impossible Project and is nothing to do with their "type 55 integral film".

I think there is another group trying to revive Pos Neg too - something to do with Mr Littman of Littman cameras fame I think.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2011, 03:57:40 PM »
Sounds promising! I wonder if it will have the same type of negative as the FP100B has. It would be nice if it were like the FP100C. I tend to mess up the negs on the 100B.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2011, 09:49:22 PM »
Here's my take on this...
In the past couple years I made 3 bulk purchases from Impossible Project totaling over $3000, probably more. You would think that after spending that kind of money they would treat me like a valued customer, not even close. What I learned in that experience is to expect a lot of stalling, miscommunication, and downright unethical behavior from their senior staff in Holland. I do NOT TRUST ANYTHING these people say about film releases, certainly not when it comes to a supposed Type 55 resurrection. Did you all forget that the 4x5 peel-apart machinery was dismantled and scrapped by Polaroid? Note that Impossible is saying the new 55 replacement will be INTEGRAL FILM based, not peel-apart. That means it will NOT be professional use 4x5 inch sheets like the real Type 55, but rather a SMALL and DINKY subsitute that spits out of a plastic (read that: AMATEUR) SX-70 or 600 series camera! Give me a break! I guarantee you that this new toy "film", if it EVER sees the light of day, will not, I repeat NOT be anything like Polaroid 55 except in name only. These people are all hype but fail miserably when it comes to execution and delivery. PS, if you see this same post on Bob's site it's only because I was too lazy to rewrite my rant for filmwasters. Time to pull some real 55 out of the fridge and go make some pictures!


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2011, 10:16:17 PM »
I've already linked to this thread so you don't have to post a duplicate.

Keep in mind these are all programs that have relatively low funding levels, being conducted by small outfits. None are large corporations, and all are being led by committed and passionate people.

Our group has made so much progress that we think the feasibility issues have all been addressed, and now it is only a money, collaboration, strategy and investment problem that remains.  We know the market is small - it is what it could lead to that might make it worthwhile. Duplicating the past is a waste, but reassembling a knowledge base that was nearly lost could pay in ways we cannot even imagine yet.

Thanks, and please send in some more clips as it is going to take at least a couple of months to get new ones.



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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2011, 10:17:20 PM »
These people are all hype but fail miserably when it comes to execution and delivery.

I second that emotion.

I appreciate that they (the Impossible Project) are trying to keep Polaroid films alive (if that is what they are trying to do), but their outsized publicity has led too many to believe that Polaroid has been resurrected. I've sometimes wondered if that has prevented other options from being worked on by companies better able to actually pull it off.

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2011, 10:27:44 PM »
To me the only people capable of creating and selling a real high quality product like this is Fuji. An employee at Freestyle Photo in Hollywood told me that they've been Kicking around the idea of a 100ASA pos neg film to replace the current 100B that they are discontinuing.

A rumor, but really the whole point of a new type 55 replacement would be quality.  So even though its possible and would be great, I doubt anyone (IP included) could pull it off without the resources and patents of a company like Fuji.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2011, 10:35:24 PM »
we were hoping that Harman/Ilford would take up the challenge ... but it wasn't to be, sadly.  I've never shot pos neg, but I have printed from the negs of others and appreciate what an amazing material this was. 

I agree that IP are not the people to take up this challenge, if their products so far are anything to go by.  They seem to be too focussed on the Toy-camera level of quality rather than developing a product with real quality. Dont get me wrong, I like and shoot toycams like any other, but I would have little faith if the future of Hasselblad cameras were entrusted to Mr T M Lee.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2011, 11:17:14 PM »
Hi Bob, don't get me wrong,

I think the excitement that you are generating with your particular site is fantastic, and I wish you nothing but success in pulling off your goal in recreating a viable product, even if it's just remotely similar to our beloved T55. I think Efke 25 ISo film stock is a good choice, and I check your site at least twice a week for current progress. As a long time 55 fan I will be first in line to purchase some of your new product, if/when your hard work comes to fruition.

I guess my big problem with Impossible Project stems from personal dealings I had with their company management. I won't get into details like names and such as I think that would be in poor taste. Rather, let's just say that their management caused me a lot of grief when they suddenly jacked the price on ONE particular product at the EXACT same time I was in the midst of negotiating a large bulk purchase on THAT product. By large purchase I mean several thousands of dollars worth, no small sum. And no, I don't believe thier price hike was a coincidence as my negotiations were with Impossible's senior staff, so they knew exactly what they were doing.

Did it matter that I had approached them with my offer to buy when the price was at the lower, previous rate? NO. In the end, their handling of the situation cost me badly. To me, and to anyone who is a professional photographer I know, that's just really S-L-E-A-Z-Y business. Other than their slick looking emails, the Impossible Project strikes me as nothing more than smarmy opportunists who over-hype expired film stock and a couple second rate emulsions that are plagued with problems.

Seriously, I do not for one second believe that they give a damn about Polaroid fans or keeping the Polaroid dream alive unless it serves to line their sweet Dutch pockets. But heck, that's just me, what do I know?



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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2011, 01:53:37 AM »
This becoming quite a juicy thread. Enjoying  >:( I am sticking to Fuji by now. And I still have to try the Fuji FP3000b yet!


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2011, 03:52:36 AM »
I don't have anything against IP, really, and there are a couple of very nice people involved on the American side. But I've bought a couple versions of the film, and while it's's mostly junk so far. I can't even keep track of the stuff now, they have so many beta versions. up to v06? plus push? I find it all very confusing and, even as someone who spends too much money on photography stuff and experiments a lot, I can't justify spending $22 for eight shots that may or may not work for random reasons.
I do see some nice work coming out of the newer packs, but a lot of the examples all look about the same to me...portraits of pretty girls and streetscapes and shots of books or living room stuff. But it is slowly becoming promising. Be nice if the stuff was half the price. Heck, even $15 would be acceptable.

As for the Type 55 integral, I've heard they are working on an integral with a removable negative. though this seems unlikely anytime soon given the way integral works...though i suppose you could have a negative somewhere in the inner layers. But they are having a tough time getting regular integral to work properly.

And they do have the 8x10 and 20x24 machines. Maybe there is some way to produce 4x5 with this machinery? Though I'd imagine that they would charge $200+ for a box of new 55.

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2011, 04:44:05 AM »
Gregor  - Bob Crowley's blog isn't linked to the Impossible Project and is nothing to do with their "type 55 integral film".

I haven't heard anything nor read anything about TIP's integral "55."  Nor do I particularly care. I stay away from anything TIP. Nothing personal (as Sean says there are some really nice people working there), it's just that they sell overpriced, crappy film.  If they can't make a decent, professional quality film, let the hipsters buy it and support it.

Fuji's peel apart films are fine w/me once my reserves of Polaroid pos/neg runs out and ebay and other sources run dry...


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2011, 08:07:38 AM »
Gregor - I think we are at crossed purposes here. This thread is about the Impossible Project making an "integral sized type 55". Your first post said "they've been mumbling about making type 55 for ages ..." by they've I assumed you were referring to the Impossible Project - who have, up to now, stayed quiet on the matter.   


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2011, 08:58:36 AM »
Ok - was at Bob's blog and came here and now I am no longer happy. :( Personally, I'd much rather see Bob develop this after reading the IP reply to that post. Their reply was rather lame.  :P :-\

600? really? Yawn. Give me a negative or go away. (should I change that to my motto? hmm)



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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2011, 01:24:23 PM »
Dont get me wrong, I like and shoot toycams like any other, but I would have little faith if the future of Hasselblad cameras were entrusted to Mr T M Lee.


Actually Harman/Ilford was interested in taking over Type 55 and had made an offer to Polaroid, but that guy Petters gave them 2 weeks to come up with the million-something in cash or he'd scrap the equipment And they couldn't do the deal that quickly, so Petters scrapped it all. (Or at least, that was the story told to me by the IP people, when I was talking to them about Type 55, when they first opened up their shop).

I agree that they seem like really nice people, but I want quality, professional level film and they haven't been able to produce any. And seriously, why can't they? If they have former Polaroid employees working there, why can't they come up with the formula to produce film with real color? Their film all looks like repackaged old, expired film.

Are they going after the Type 55 name now because they've given up on ever producing color correctly? I have no doubt that Harman could create the film components, but have no confidence (yet) that IP could turn that into anything that comes anywhere near to the gorgeous quality of Polaroid Type 55 - and unless they actually can produce the real thing, they shouldn't be able to get away with using the name 'Type 55' in some publicity scheme.

I'm getting all worked up over this.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2011, 02:37:01 PM »
Gregor - I think we are at crossed purposes here. This thread is about the Impossible Project making an "integral sized type 55". Your first post said "they've been mumbling about making type 55 for ages ..." by they've I assumed you were referring to the Impossible Project - who have, up to now, stayed quiet on the matter.  

The 'they' I referred to wasn't specifically TIP. rather it was just an indicator of a non specific 'someone.' sorry for any confusion. in that 'they,' I pointed out the new 55 project (my best of luck to them in their endeavors) as I didn't see any mention of that in this thread or elsewhere on FW. 

Like a lomography thread, this could easily turn into a TIP bashing thread so throwing some light on a positive development always helps ;-)
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 02:42:12 PM by gregor »

Ed Wenn

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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #26 on: January 06, 2011, 10:31:08 PM »
Like a lomography thread, this could easily turn into a TIP bashing thread so throwing some light on a positive development always helps ;-)

Gregor...really! When have we ever bashed the LSI?

 ;D ;D :-[ :D


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2011, 10:52:58 PM »
Like a lomography thread, this could easily turn into a TIP bashing thread so throwing some light on a positive development always helps ;-)

Gregor...really! When have we ever bashed the LSI?

 ;D ;D :-[ :D

You're right, everyone here loves LSI. I forgot.


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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2011, 08:32:32 AM »

The 'they' I referred to wasn't specifically TIP. rather it was just an indicator of a non specific 'someone.' sorry for any confusion.

no problem Gregor - it's my misunderstanding.



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Re: new type 55 film on the horizon?
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2011, 02:10:50 PM »
IP won't be able to produce peel apart-film 4x5, Type 100, or Type 80 films, as they don't have the machines. These were disassembled along with the factories that used to produce the film when Polaroid filed for Chapter 11.
