Author Topic: Modifying a Graflex Speed Graphic, or Crown Graphic, for swing  (Read 8243 times)


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  • Posts: 143
  • instant junkie
    • flickr stream
Just a quick and dirty modification to the front standards rail clamps to give your Graflex a little more wiggle room.  That swing becomes tilt in a vertical composition, very very useful.

1: file the rim down on the outside edge of the rail guide and sand smooth, repeat on other side

2: measure from rail clamp edge to rail clamp edge, and create a circle template using that measurement as the circles diameter.  ~ 2  (15/16)"

measure twice, cut once as a fella told me.

3: use the circle template to define the curve on the outside edges of the rail clamps, and file or cut them to fit...

don't take off too much, and sand it smooth, repeat on other side

Thats it.

[Sorry, image deleted during forum software upgrade. Please re-upload if so inclined.]