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Advice sought - Bellow pinhole leak repair



Does anybody know a better way to plug the pinhole leak in a bellow other than black paint?

My Polaroid 110B bellow developed pinhole leak on some of the corners.  I used matt black art paint to paint over it from inside with some success.  However, the pinholes return after a few fold/unfold action of the camera.

Is there is an "appropriate" way to stop bellow leak?  Much appreciate your advise or suggestion.

Look for liquid electrical tape.
It's a black paint that remains flexible.
Plastidip would also possibly work...

You can glue a small piece of light blocking fabric over the bad area.  I’ve scrapped an old changing bag to do this.  I used contact cement. 

Thanks Francois and Bryan!

I don't have dark thick fabric on hand so I bought a bottle of liquid electric tape.

Keeping my fingers crossed - not sticky. ;)


--- Quote from: MJL on February 04, 2021, 02:05:56 AM ---Thanks Francois and Bryan!

I don't have dark thick fabric on hand so I bought a bottle of liquid electric tape.

Keeping my fingers crossed - not sticky. ;)

--- End quote ---

I could mail you a piece of fabric if you want some, send me a PM if your interested. 


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