I bought a few rolls of Ektachrome off of eBay, as I am often wont. This time, it was Ektachrome 100EN (expired 1988), an emulsion I am unfamiliar with. I loaded it up into my Pentax ME and shot it at +1EV from box speed, as I usually do with E6 emulsions, regardless of expiration date. Processed it C41 100
oF along with a roll of redscaled Provia 400. The Provia came out fine, but the Ektachrome came out completely blank. But dark. A dark blue color. And really thick, almost as if it was completely overexposed. If I look really carefully through the most intense light I have available, I can barely make out some faint images, or at least parts of images. And here's the kicker, there are NO EDGE MARKINGS. I found that to be the most puzzling thing. I'm glad I processed it with another roll that came out fine, so I can't blame the chemicals or washing or anything else (and of course I did a leader test before using the C41
So ... what the hell happened? And how do I shoot the rest of the 4 rolls I have? I already loaded one roll into my Canonet and set it at EI25 (I would shoot it even slower, but the Canonet only goes to 25. Maybe I'll just shoot it in manual mode at f/1.7 and 1/4sec in bright sunlight).
If that doesn't work, I'm just gonna send the other 3 rolls to James. He magically makes beautiful pictures with desert film