I a bitof a dumbkopf when it comes to matters digital - so please correct me if I'm on the wrong track here ... But, if the choice is between a 24 bitcolour scan or a 16 bit mono, isn't the mono the more detailed of the two because the colour scan is only 3 x 8 bit scans two of which will be discarded anyway if you're converting to greyscale?
I've tried scanning in colour with my tan & stain negs as that is supposed to realize the full benefit if the stain's effect, but to be honest, I didn't notice any perceptible difference, it was more of a pain actually cos I had to mess about to get a reasonable black and White conversion, a stage I don't have to bother with in 16 bit mono scans.
The again, I only scan to work out darkroom printing plans and assess the potential of a negative so don't worry about detail for electronic output.