Author Topic: A developing Mistake  (Read 1508 times)


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A developing Mistake
« on: December 05, 2007, 09:54:20 PM »
Had a chance to dev some film for the first time since my son was born today. obviously out of practice...... 2 x rolls of 120....all bad...(poor exposure) up 2 rolls of what I thought was ERA 100........until I emptied out my changing bag and saw the Kodak 400 colour film cannister roll out onto the worksurface.... :o  BIG black letters "C41 process only" stared up at me from the formica.....I didn't even know which  film was which in the bag...... so in a true filmwasters stylee i thought F*ck it i'll process it as B&W and see what happens....6.5 min in Ilfosol at 20 deg. .......i think they pass muster....

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Re: A developing Mistake
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 10:10:48 PM »
Pretty sweet for such an accident.
What surprises me is how short the development time was. We're used to people souping their color films for 20 minutes... might not be necessary after all (but it does get all the silver developed).

Film is the vinyl record of photography.