/about us an overlong explanation of what filmwasters is all about, what the site offers, who it's run by, where we met, why we're doing it in the first place and why you'll never see advertising of any sort on Filmwasters.
is is an amalgamation of articles, online galleries, individual showcase and a forum dedicated to the use of film in photography. It aims to stress the exploration of creativity through film-based photography rather than the 'wheres', 'whys' and 'how-exactlies'; these can be answered in phenomenal detail on so many other photographic web resources. Filmwasters is not camera-type specific - glass, plastic and lensless are all welcome here.
The Origins of was borne out of a conversation between five disparate individuals over coffee and Cornish pasties in London, Summer 2005. Having talked previously from our 3 corners of the world in various electronic forms, we finally met face-to-face and the talking started for real. Common ground was film, a mutual respect for each others' photography, shared ideas and aspirations, cameras (LOTS of cameras) and other photographers. Without knowing at the time, we laid down the ground work for what was to become Within 6 months the site had been launched.
Who Are The Filmwasters?
We are a diverse bunch of five photography enthusiasts from opposing ends of the globe. One in Tokyo, one in Los Angeles and three from England. Although our collective styles could not be more different, we all have an overriding and all-consuming passion for film-based photographic art.